
Spread The Love Campaign

Share And Savor
Wafer EverBars

A Complimentary Box of Our
Luscious Chocolate-Covered Bars

Express your delight and joy of Wafer EverBars on social media and you will unlock a special reward!

Steps To WIN an Entire Box of Wafer Everbars

Step 1: Share your experience on social media and tag
@WaferEverbar with hashtag

Step 2: Send us a direct message with your social post and shipping details to receive a box of Wafer EverBars.

Step 3: Savor your Wafer EverBars! Whether you choose to share the joy or savor them all for yourself!!

Enjoy 🙂

When To Expect Your Reward

You will receive your reward within 5-6 business days after confirmation. If there’s a high demand of orders, your order will be delivered within 6-8 business days.

Whenever you need something just for your indulgence, delicious chocolate wafer bar with peanut butter.